Taking Care of Others

You may be visiting this website because you are concerned about the mental health of someone you care about. Welcome! Below you’ll find some information about taking care of others. We also hope you find the information on the Crisis Services and How to Get Help sections of the website helpful.

Warning signs of suicide

Pain isn’t always obvious, but most people who are thinking of suicide show some warning signs. The signs may appear in different ways–things we can see, hear, learn or just a sense that something is wrong.

Learn more about the warnings signs of suicide by visiting the resources below:

How to Help Someone You’re Concerned About

If someone is showing warning signs of suicide or you are concerned about their mental health, you can help.

Safety Planning

If you are concerned someone might be thinking about suicide or if they have told you they are, it is important to connect them to helping resources, including those in the Crisis Services section of the site, and make a plan to keep them safe. Below are some resources for safety planning:

Firearm Safety

Firearms are a leading method of suicide in the United States. It is important to practice firearm safety in the home to reduce access to lethal means. Below are some strategies to help you implement firearm safety practices: